Mission Statement
At Christian Brothers High School, our commitment to educating the whole person aligns seamlessly with the Lasallian Core Principles, specifically inclusive community and quality education. By nurturing every aspect of our students’ development, we create a supportive and empowering environment where everyone can thrive.
In recognizing that parents and guardians are the primary educator of their children, Student Support Services works in partnership with the family. Our dedicated Student Support team includes the Director of Student Support, two full-time academic teachers who are devoted to our Academic Resource Center, 4 grade-level counselors, 2 wellness counselors, and 2 college counselors.

April Melarkey, M.A., M.S., P.P.S.
Director of Student Support Services
Faculty and Staff, School and Administrative Support

Lorie Frias
Academic Resource Teacher
Academic Resource Center

Alexia Sakurada '15
Academic Resource Center

Lisa Keyson, Ed Tech.M
Faculty and Staff