Lasallian Student Life

High school is an ideal time for young people to embrace and celebrate faith, discover and develop new talents, and grow as servant leaders. An essential foundation of our students’ success is the deep sense of belonging and inclusive community at Christian Brothers High School. This place is their home. Teens become their best selves when they experience healthy community and support. 

The Lasallian Student Life Office (LSLO) is the heartbeat of Christian Brothers High School’s student culture. We form students to lead our community in various activities and prayer experiences. LSLO creates opportunities for students to serve our Oak Park neighborhood, surrounding communities, and network establishments. The LSLO is dedicated to building and developing our school spirit and spirituality, all in concert with the Lasallian Catholic mission. 

Please click on our sidebar to see all the beautiful opportunities the LSLO offers to make high school a meaningful experience!

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