Our Mission
Christian Brothers High School is a Lasallian Catholic coeducational college preparatory high school. We are dedicated to inspiring and empowering young men and women with a challenging, relevant, and diverse academic program and co-curricular activities. Students thrive in a Christ-centered community that fosters faith, integrity, global citizenship, leadership and service, preparing students for college and life.
Our Vision
We, as members of Christian Brothers High School, are inspired by Jesus Christ and the vision and wisdom of St. John Baptist de La Salle, our founder and the universal patron saint of teachers. In La Salle’s spirit we have created, and desire to enhance, an excellent learning community of students and adults that:
- Is committed to being an educational leader in the region and to building a better community through a long-term, actionable plan for school success;
- Represents the best of Lasallian Catholic education today and in the future by securing the best Lasallian Catholic school faculty and staff possible;
- Believes in celebrating and promoting our Lasallian Catholic identity by inspiring each other to grow and demonstrate our love for God and our neighbors;
- Strives to continue to expand access and admission to Christian Brothers High School through thoughtful and intentional community outreach;
- Works to instill a desire and commitment to serving the poor and marginalized and to the community, both in school and beyond graduation;
- Believes the presence of God is found within everyone and takes an active role in ensuring all feel welcome and included;
- Serves diverse needs through safe and effective campus facilities,
- Is secure financially and positioned to provide the best high school experience possible, and;
- Is led by a model of governance that is sustainable, effective, and forward-thinking to realize our vision for the future.