Christian Brothers High School will develop an educational vision to guide the academic program for the next five years. The academic program will be rooted in the school’s Lasallian Catholic mission and innovative learning traditions that respond to all students’ needs and prepare them for college and life.
Main Objectives & Priorities
- Develop the Portrait of a CB Graduate through a collaborative process that includes faculty, staff, alumni, families, and community members.
- Articulate the purpose and role of Christian service learning in the school and the extent to which it should infuse the academic curriculum.
- Establish and implement a system to access, gather, analyze, and apply academic data to track student growth and continuously improve the curriculum and instruction.

Action Items to Achieve Goal One
Year One
- Review data and community input from the 2021-2022 educational visioning process and develop a five-year strategic plan.
- Review data and community input from the 2021-2022 educational visioning process and develop a Portrait of a CB Graduate.
- Develop a communications plan for sharing the 5-year strategic plan and Portrait of a CB Graduate with the CB community.
- Establish a schedule to conduct a curriculum review and plan to implement improvements.
- Review the school calendar and bell schedule to align with the instructional and operational needs of the school and make adjustments for the 2023-2024 school year.
- Work with the Lasallian Student Life Office and academic department to formalize a school-wide service- learning curriculum plan with a special focus on the Oak Park community.
- Implement the Freshman Service-Learning Program (religion).
- Build upon, systematize, and integrate various student support resources emphasizing equity for all students in collaboration with the administration, counseling, ARC, and wellness departments.
Year Two
- Conduct year one of the 2023-2026 three-year curriculum review schedule.
- Implement the revised bell schedule and calendar with instructional and operational improvements.
- Establish a plan to access, gather, analyze, and apply academic data to track student success.
- Implement the Sophomore Service-Learning Program (English).
- Prepare for the SE (formerly E3) Accreditation process.
Year Three
- Conduct year two of the 2023-2026 three-year curriculum review schedule and implement curriculum improvements.
- Implement the Junior Service-Learning Program (department TBD).
- Monitor calendar and bell schedule improvements.
- Monitor system to access, gather, analyze, and apply academic data to track student success.
- SE (formerly E3) Accreditation Process site visit.
Year Four
- Conduct year three of the 2023-2026 three-year curriculum review schedule and implement curriculum improvements.
- Implement the Senior Service-Learning Program (department TBD).
- Monitor calendar and bell schedule improvements.
- Monitor system to access, gather, analyze, and apply academic data to track student success.
- SE (formerly E3) Accreditation Process site visit.
Year Five
- Review and assess the 2023-2026 three-year curriculum improvements.
- Review and assess the CB school-wide service-learning plan.