Christian Brothers High School will ensure effective leadership through consistency and succession planning. In addition, the school will create and communicate an informative and accurate perception of its governance model that is supportive of, and builds confidence in, its ability to enhance its longstanding reputation for success in achieving its mission.
Main Objectives & Priorities
- Identify key practices for ensuring stability and continuity of administrative leadership and devise a plan over the next two years to apply those practices to future recruitment and retention of that leadership.
- Research school leadership and governance models.
- Better communicate to staff, faculty, and the community the nature and function of the Board of Trustees and the school’s relationship to the District of San Francisco New Orleans.
- Ensure that formation opportunities at the local, district, and regional levels are prioritized and made available to board members, administrators, faculty, and staff to increase understanding and support of the Lasallian Catholic identity of the school.

Action Items to Achieve Goal Nine
Year One
- Identify key practices for ensuring stability and continuity of administrative leadership and devise a plan to apply those practices to future recruitment and retention of that leadership.
- Increase the effectiveness and relevance of onboarding experiences.
- Establish a succession plan for the president and principal positions.
- Establish a plan for developing internal opportunities for and pathways to school leadership.
- Research and assess whether other Lasallian Catholic school models for leadership governance and cabinet structure constitute more effective models than those currently in use.
- Increase opportunities to communicate the Board of Trustee’s nature and function and the school’s relationship to the District of San Francisco New Orleans.
Year Two
- Review governance policies and make updates when necessary.
- Monitor the President’s Cabinet and school leadership structure and make improvements when necessary.
Year Three
- Review and update governance policies.
- Review and assess the President’s Cabinet and school leadership structure improvements.
Year Four
- Review governance policies and make updates where necessary.
Year Five
- Review and assess governance policy updates.