Christian Brothers High School will provide and maintain welcoming, sustainable, flexible, and culturally adaptive academic and co-curricular facilities and systems that support the diverse programs and collective needs of the Lasallian Catholic-inspired campus community.
Main Objectives & Priorities
- Conduct a facilities assessment to determine the physical condition and functionality of existing facilities and systems in support of the Campus Educational Plan. It should also provide recommendations for improvements and/or required modifications.
- Update and maintain the Campus Master Plan to reflect the Campus Educational Plan and include an implementation strategy and schedule. The plan should incorporate short-term and long-term goals, educational technology, aspects to promote inclusion and enhance the student experience, ongoing maintenance, and capital improvement projects.
- Establish safe and appropriate indoor spaces for students who must remain on campus after school.

Action Items to Achieve Goal Seven
Year One
- Conduct an assessment to determine the health of current facilities and make recommendations for improvements.
- Develop the Campus Master Plan.
- Develop a request for proposal (RFP) for architectural services.
- Ensure the RFP for architectural services and the Campus Master Plan include solutions to address the need to promote student inclusion, foster a sense of belonging, and enhance the overall student experience.
Year Two
- Assess existing campus facilities to ensure safety, health, and functionality.
- Continue to work on the Campus Master Plan.
- Review and select the architect(s) for proposed projects and improvements.
Year Three
- Make necessary renovations to existing campus facilities.
- Carry out construction plans using existing operational and campaign funds.
Year Four
- Make necessary renovations to existing campus facilities.
- Carry out construction plans using existing operational and campaign funds.
Year Five
- Make necessary renovations to existing campus facilities.
- Carry out construction plans using existing operational and campaign funds.
- Review and assess the Campus Master Plan.