Class of 2029
Academic Calendar
Please visit the Academic Calendar for important dates and events.
Wednesday, April 9, 2025 – Frosh Welcome Night
Monday, April 28, 2025 – Application deadline for Freshmen Class Council
Friday, August 8, 2025 – Freshman Lock-In & New Parent Orientation
The Arts
CB is the place to be an artist. Media, visual and performing arts are essential components of a well-rounded CB education. More than half of the student body participates in the arts. Students can take classes in choir, band, KBFT (student-run television station), The Talon (online newspaper), theatre and visual arts. Theatre productions, Open Mic nights and student-led choirs, De La Femme and De La Dudes, are open to all students. Find more information about our media, visual and performing arts programs here.
If your student is interested in playing a sport next year, please complete and submit the Athletic Interest Form. You will then be contacted by coaches and program directors with more information about tryouts and meetings. Please note: Application deadlines for cheerleading are in Spring 2025.
Please contact the Athletics Department at (916) 733-3610 or by email at if you have any questions about CB Athletics.
Class Council
Freshman class Lasallian Student Life Council members represent the Class of 2029 with the school administration, and serve as a liaison between their class (2029) and the Associated Student Body Council. For incoming freshmen that would like to apply to be a part of Lasallian Student Life Council, the application packet is here. Applications must be submitted by April 28, 2025.
Ed Tech Learning Sessions – Attendance is Mandatory
At the CB EdTech Learning Session, incoming freshmen will gain access to their username & password as well as learn how to navigate:
- PowerSchool
- Schoology
- Campus Wi-Fi
- Microsoft Suite
- CB Bookstore
We will also review commonly used apps, talk about digital citizenship, and address any questions that may arise. Students are expected to bring their iPads to the learning session.
Prior to attending the Ed Tech Learning Session, students should have completed the setup for their iPad including entering their Apple ID or the Apple ID you’ve created for their device. Click here if you need to set up an Apple ID. The following apps will also need to be downloaded prior to attending the session:
- PowerSchool
- Schoology
- OneDrive
- Word
- Outlook
- OneNote
- Google Chrome
Additional apps you may want to download before school begins:
- Excel
- PowerPoint
- Microsoft 365
- MobileServe
- Scoir
Frosh Ed Tech Learning Sessions will take place on campus in one-hour timeslots throughout the summer.
If you have any questions about Ed Tech Learning Sessions, please contact Ms. Lisa Keyson, educational technology specialist, at
FinalForms Medical System Registration
FinalForms is the web-based system CB uses to track medical history, contact information and release forms for all of our students. All incoming freshmen will be sent a link to their child’s FinalForms enrollment in June 2025. Forms must be completed by August 1, 2025.
This is mandatory for all students.
Student-Athletes must have an updated physical form submitted prior to conditioning and/or try outs.
Please contact Ms. Kelly Harrington at or (916) 733-3625 if you have any questions regarding FinalForms.
Freshman Lock-In
Lock-In for the Class of 2029 takes place at Christian Brothers High School beginning with check-in from 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Friday, August 8, 2025. Freshmen and their parents are invited to enjoy some ice cream and socialize during check-in time, prior to Lock-In and New Parent Orientation. Parents and guardians, please join us for New Parent Orientation scheduled for 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. All activities will conclude by 6:15 a.m. on Saturday, August 9.
Lock-In is a time for the Class of 2029 to spend the evening on campus and get to know one another, make new friends, learn about some longstanding CB traditions, and participate in fun activities throughout the night as part of their first official high school event! We will also have a quiet area where students may watch a movie or play video games.
Modified “spirit dress” dress code is observed for Lock-in, meaning students are allowed to wear jeans, sweats, long pants, or shorts that must reach at least mid-thigh. Sandals and flip-flops may be worn, although athletic shoes are preferred. Students will receive their class spirit t-shirts at check-in and are expected to wear this spirit shirt throughout the evening.
FinalForms enrollment is required in order for students to attend Lock-In.
iPad Program
Every CB student is required to have an iPad by the first day of school. We recommend any new generation running the latest iOS software. Due to increasing availability of e-books and educational apps, students will need a minimum of 256GB of storage; a higher amount is recommended for the longevity of the device. Students will be provided with a Microsoft account, giving them access to OneDrive – a cloud storage provider that allows for up to one terabyte of storage at no charge while attending CB.
Items that are strongly recommended, but not required include:
- a protective case/cover,
- keyboard,
- earphones/buds,
- stylus/Apple Pencil
- the optional warranty program through Apple, and
- optional insurance protection through Apple or a third-party vendor
Cellular data is not required.
Families may purchase the device from the retailer of their choice; however, a 5% discount is available through our education discount.
If you have any questions about the iPad specifications, please contact Ms. Lisa Keyson, educational technology specialist, at
Math Competency Skills
Students will receive a notice of math placement in their application portals. This placement is based on the following criteria:
- Grades and Standardized Test Scores for 6th-8th Grade
- Teacher Course Description and Recommendation
- High School Placement Test Results
Freshmen are placed in the following courses:
- Algebra 1A (the first half of a two-year Algebra 1 program, followed by Algebra 1B as sophomores)
- Algebra 1 (most students begin with this course)
- Accelerated Algebra 1
- Honors Geometry
- Honors Algebra 2
Math Course Offerings
Students are required to take three year-long (10 credit) courses in mathematics, although four years of math study is strongly encouraged.
Progression of Math Course Offerings
If your student was invited to register for the math challenge exam, please click here.
Summer Reading
Students are assigned summer reading books specific to their course placement for English and social studies classes. Reading assignments must be completed before the first day of school. Summer 2025 reading selections will be updated soon.
World Languages
At Christian Brothers, all students are required to take four semesters of a language in order to graduate. Colleges encourage six or more semesters of a language. CB offers American Sign Language, French, and Spanish. More information about our world languages programs can be found here.
Students interested in accelerated placement in either American Sign Language (ASL), French, or Spanish are encouraged to participate in a challenge exam. If you would like to challenge your placement, please register here.
If you have any general questions, please contact the Admissions Office at or (916) 733-3690.