The Board of Trustees at Christian Brothers High School is comprised of volunteers dedicated to safeguarding and advancing the school’s mission. Before joining the Board of Trustees, potential members undergo training on Lasallian charism (history, spirituality and philosophy of education) and Policy Governance – a model used by Lasallian schools throughout the District of San Francisco New Orleans.
Board of Trustees Roster 2024-2025
Brother David Caretti, FSC
Mrs. Stephanie Cooper-Noe
Mr. Craig Enos
Ms. Margarita Fernandez
Mr. John Fondale ’83, Vice Chair
Mr. George Golden, Sr.
Mr. Tom Johnson
Mrs. Kamaljeet Khaira
Ms. Janell Kloosterman, AFSC
Mrs. Susan Larson, Chair
Mr. Ron Metzker
Ms. Cecilia Ronquillo ’85
Mr. Aldo Soriano ’99

2024-2025 Board of Trustees Members
Back row (L to R): Brother David Caretti, FSC, Mr. Tom Johnson, Mr. Craig Enos, Mr. John Fondale ’83, Mr. George Golden,
Mr. Ron Metzker, Ms. Janell Kloosterman, AFSC
Front row (L to R): Mrs. Stephanie Cooper-Noe, Ms. Margarita Fernandez, Ms. Cecilia Ronquillo ’85, Mr. Aldo Soriano ’99,
Mrs. Susan Larson, Mrs. Kamaljeet Khaira