Lasallian Educational Outcomes


Learning for College

Christian Brothers’ graduates:

  • Possess the curricular knowledge/skills, personal discipline, and the integrity required for academic success at the university level.
  • Utilize sound educational planning and time management skills that balance family life, academic achievement, co-curricular activities, and recreation.

Learning for Life

Christian Brothers’ graduates:

  • Engage in collaborative work, moral reasoning, critical analysis, creative and reflective thinking.
  • Utilize 21st century literacies to access, evaluate, and synthesize information and communicate effectively.
  • Respect and appreciate the diverse cultures, religious beliefs, economic backgrounds, and competencies of others.

Serving God

Christian Brothers’ graduates:

  • Honor the presence of God in themselves, in others, and in all of God’s creation.
  • Understand the core beliefs, commitments, and practices of Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church.

Serving Others

Christian Brothers’ graduates:

  • Participate positively in a community of faith, civic affairs, and a global society.
  • Recognize and respond proactively through service and advocacy to the needs of others, especially the poor and vulnerable.